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by Avantis US LearnPad

Science, Physics

KS3, KS4

Over 16

Application ( 10MB )



LHSee: discover what happens at the LHC; now with real Higgs candidate events!
Want to find out how to Hunt the Higgs Boson using your phone? Ever wondered how the Large Hadron Collider experiments work, and what the collisions look like?

Scientists at the world's biggest scientific experiment - the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Geneva - are trying to answer fundamental questions about the nature of the universe, the origin of mass, and structure of space and time. LHSee makes the Hadron Collider accessible to anybody with an Android smartphone or tablet PC. Written by Oxford University scientists in collaboration with the ATLAS experiment at CERN, it is designed for use by experts and non-experts alike.

For the first time you can now grab live collision events from the underground detectors in Geneva, and beam them direct to your own device. As well as a variety of educational resources, the application allows you to interact with the collision events in full 3D graphics. You can also find out how the different parts of the detector work, learn how to identify different types of collision, and even put your new skills to the test by playing the "Hunt the Higgs" game.