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Mountain Habitat

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene takes the form of a magnificent snow-capped mountain, home to many animals and plants who are adapted to the changing conditions. The Mountains that are featured in the scene can be found all around the world in very different contexts, around the equator with no seasonal differences, in desert regions with little rainfall, and even on the frozen continent of Antarctica. This scene shows how a typical mountain habitat is defined by altitude, with different conditions on the lower slopes compared to the mountain’s high peak.

Follow the trail from the base of the mounting right up to it's peak. Along the way students will see links to 360 images that show examples of mountain side habitats. Take a journey through the changing terrain and explore how the changing conditions impacts livings things and their survival.

# Learning objectives

1: Be able to describe a mountain habitat.{.info}

2: Be able to identify examples of animals and plants adapted to live in mountain habitats{.info}

# Physical Habitat{.objective .objective1}

In this section, the scene shows how a typical mountain habitat is defined by altitude, with different conditions on the lower slopes compared to the mountain’s high peak. Students are asked to enter the scene to investigate the environment around them. Specific features should be consider, such as, some areas being steep, and some are some flatters. What clues can they see about the temperature in different spots?

# Plants{.objective .objective2}

In this section the lower slopes of this mountain habitat are supporting conifer trees. In this activity students are asked to enter the scene to find the treeline in this habitat, where the altitude becomes too high for large plants to survive.

# Animals{.objective .objective3}

In this section students can learn about: Herbivores and Predators. In this activity students are asked to enter the scene and answer the following:

What herbivore animals (creatures who only eat vegetation) can you find in this habitat?

What locations are they found in within the mountain scene?

What predators can you find in this habitat?

What creatures might be their prey?

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/793941/icon.png?date=1677490627&size=358655&md5=30feed5218c0b50477544c2e4d4abde2)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/793941/files/Mountain%20Habitat+Teacher+Notes+Only.pdf?date=1677490654&size=539209&md5=9e5dc8b75cd51930fbe2277822bd6edf)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
