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Florence Nightingale

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene takes place inside the Florence Nightingale Hospital where students can compare what hospitals were like in the 1800’s and how Florence Nightingale’s work in Crimea changed healthcare. Students should be able to explore the scene and identify continuities and changes in medicine overtime.

# Learning objectives

1. Understand what hospitals were like in 1800{.info}
2. Understand the new measures Florence Nightingale introduced to healthcare during the Crimean War.{.info}

# Hospitals in 1800.AD{.objective .objective1}

Students can walk around a hospital in the 1800s and observe the poor hygiene practices and lack of healthcare standards. Students should be able to notice the tight, cramped conditions and consider how these conditions led to an increase in soldiers becoming ill.

# Florence Nightingale in Crimea {.objective .objective2}

Students can observe how Florence Nightingale's new healthcare measures ensured that soldiers in Crimea were not becoming more ill. Students should take note of the clean bedding and medicines used which can be found on the workbench.

# Hospitals in the twenty-first century{.objective .objective3}

After Florence's work in Crimea, her development in healthcare carried on for many years, some of which are still used today. Students can observe two hospitals and consider how hospitals are similar or different today.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes and Quiz]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790830/icon.png?date=1675262492&size=316436&md5=d48bd8f1471157c107f355bd35c0bc9c)]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790830/files/Florence%20Nightingale+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1675262303&size=1071096&md5=236dd09f4ba311b517424ab6bb1ce070)

### Student Quiz Answers Document

[![Alt text]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790832/icon.png?date=1675262815&size=233059&md5=e58c594ca0476cc808a9d3b623907b30)]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790832/files/Florence%20Nightingale+Teacher+Notes+2.pdf?date=1675262739&size=562268&md5=06d0cf9e26280f068dc12554b9e5e127)

### Download Student Quiz Document

[![Alt text]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790833/icon.png?date=1675262945&size=114221&md5=0c20b6cd08849269bd54740c71b046ac)]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790833/files/Florence%20Nightingale+Teacher+Notes+3.pdf?date=1675262901&size=96816&md5=1d94494ab5de9fd44cf9ee6f65cc9d4b)