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Seed Dispersal

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene visits a fictional park where a wide variety of plants have been brought together to showcase different methods of seed dispersal. A rabbit can be found with burs from a burdock plant attached to their fur, and a bird flies overhead showing how the seeds of berries can be dispersed by animals. Coconuts, poppy seeds, sycamore keys, and conkers from a horse chestnut tree are all shown in detail.

# Learning objectives

1: Learn why some plants need to disperse their seeds {.info}

2: Explore some of the different ways seeds can be dispersed {.info}

# What Are Seeds? {.objective .objective1}

A brief definition of a seed and note that they exist in many shapes and sizes. Students are asked to enter the scene and look for evidence of seeds on and around the plants, as well as considering why one plant produces multiple seeds.

# Why do Seeds need to disperse? {.objective .objective2}

A brief description of why it is advantageous for seeds to move away from the parent plant so they are not competing for resources. Students are asked to enter the scene and consider where seeds could grow successfully as well as locations where seeds would not grow.

# How are Seeds Dispersed? {.objective .objective3}

An explanation is given of five different seed dispersal methods: seeds as food, wind, burs, shakers, water. Students are asked to enter the scene and explore different ways that seeds are being dispersed, finding an example of each method listed above.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/794221/icon.png?date=1677599998&size=365990&md5=d3847a4dc8e0d483f3d0269b955b5b30)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/794221/files/Seed%20Dispersal+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1677599930&size=1233757&md5=88571da18fd815b12e18350d37a5b153)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
