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Animal Farm

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


Welcome to Animal Farm - the site of George Orwell’s famous 1945 novella. The short story was published by Orwell in the shadow of World War Two and was designed to satirise the politics of totalitarian states - most specifically Stalin’s Soviet Union. This scene is set after the ending of the book, with the farm in tatters and the animals dream of equality in ruin. Here, you will be able to explore what is left of Animal Farm and consider how it resembles the initial dream of Old Major.

# Learning objectives

1: To Explore the Theme of Social Order{.info}

2: To Explore the Theme of Power and Control{.info}

3: To Explore the Theme of Language and Knowledge{.info}

4: To Explore the Theme of Dreams and Destiny{.info}

# Social Order{.objective .objective1}

In this section students can learn that the novel Animal Farm begins with the ageing pig Old Major giving the animals a vision of freedom. In this section students are asked to explore the scene and look closely at how the social order of the animals has been arranged at the end of the book.

# Power and Control{.objective .objective2}

This section allows students explore the theme of power in the novel. Students are asked to enter the scene to look for any evidence of the pigs’ ultimate abuse of power.

# Language and Knowledge{.objective .objective3}

In this section students discover that the animals are even able to talk. They can enter the scene to look for some of the ways that the pigs manipulate language to rule over the other animals.

# Dreams and Destiny{.objective .objective4}

In this activity students are asked to explore the scene again and look for clues as to how Orwell represented the theme of failed dreams.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes


### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
