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This scene takes the form of the magical forest that lies outside of the walls of Athens. Students will be able to explore the scene to discover important characters, mystical creatures, and fairies that all contribute to the plot of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Students will be able to use this scene to help them learn and understand the symbolism that can be identified throughout the play.

# Learning objectives

1: To explore the theme of love in A Midsummer Night’s Dream{.info}

2: To describe the characters in the forest{.info}

3: To describe the play the characters perform in the forest{.info}

4: To reflect on key events of the play{.info}

# Love{.objective .objective1}

In this section there is a description of the main characters and love stories within the play. Students are asked to enter the scene to find out which main characters are in love with one another.

# Magic{.objective .objective2}

The character of Puck and the effect of the flower potion are described. In this activity students will enter the scene and to explore the different types of characters that can be found inside the forest.

# Symbols and the Craftsman’s play{.objective .objective3}

In this section there is a description of the play being performed inside the forest. In this activity students are asked to explore the scene to find out who Tatiana sees when she wakes up.

# Dreams{.objective .objective4}

In this section there is a detailed account of the story. In this activity students should reflect on how the play should be remembered, just like a dream.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes


### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
