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The Pied Piper

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene takes place in the German town of Hamelin in the Medieval period of history, circa 1300BCE. Students can explore the town and visit the local market to learn about how the town became plagued with rats and how a strange man, The Pied Piper, visited the town and cleared the town of its plague by leading the rats into the local river. Outside of the town, students can explore the hills and fields to learn of how the Pied Piper leads the children away from Hamelin to teach their parents a lesson.

# Learning objectives

1: To explain why the town of Hamlin was overrun with rats{.info}

2: To describe the character of the Pied Piper{.info}

3: To retell the sequence of events in The Pied Piper{.info}

# What happened in Hamlin?{.objective .objective1}

In this section there is a detailed description of the Bears’ House inside the forest. In this activity students are asked to enter the scene to explore the items that Goldilocks finds in the kitchen.

# How were the rats led away?{.objective .objective2}

In this section there is a description of Goldilocks tasting the three different kinds of porridge. Student will be asked to enter the scene to identify key items that Goldilocks finds in the kitchen.

# Why did the children follow the Pied Piper?{.objective .objective3}

In this section there is a description of Goldilocks sitting on the three different kinds of chairs and beds. Students explore the items Goldilocks finds in the living room and bedroom

# Teacher Resources

Download Teacher Notes


Student Quiz Answers Document


Download Student Quiz Document
