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This scene depicts streets of London during the Victorian era, the setting of the novel. It shows Dr. Jekyll’s house, where the smart hallway can be explored, and the connecting laboratory, and on to the scruffy door where Mr Hyde can go out to the streets.

# Learning objectives

1: To understand the setting of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.{.info}

2: To describe Dr. Jekyll’s house.{.info}

3: To explain how Mr. Hyde was created.{.info}

4: To understand the relationship between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.{.info}

# Victorian London{.objective .objective1}

A brief description of life in Victorian London. Students are asked to enter the scene and explore the streets of London.

# Dr. Jekyll’s House{.objective .objective2}

A brief description of the smart and respectable home of Dr. Jekyll. Students are asked to enter the scene and explore the front door and hallway of Dr. Jekyll’s house, describing what it is like.

# Mr. Hyde{.objective .objective3}

An explanation is given of how the character of Mr. Hyde is created by Dr. Jekyll. Students are asked to observe the difference between the house of Dr. Jekyll and the more chaotic laboratory as used by Mr. Hyde.

# Good and Bad in Human Nature{.objective .objective4}

An explanation that the characteristics seen expressed in Mr. Hyde were present in Dr. Jekyll the whole time. Students are asked to enter the scene and compare the doors used by Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and consider what that might say about the relationship between the two characters.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes


### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
