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The Battle of Hastings

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene takes the form of a museum which will allow all students to be able to learn about who was involved in The Battle of Hastings. The students should be able to explore the scene to learn about the claimants to the throne in detail and each of their advantages and disadvantages to their claims.

# Learning objectives

1: Understand who was involved in the Battle of Hastings{.info}

2: Understand the significance of this event in British History {.info}

# Who was Edward the Confessor? {.objective .objective1}

The country of England is in a crisis in 1066. There is no heir to the throne. Here, a description of the eligible claimants to the throne of England in 1066 is given and students are asked to explore the scene to identify who are the potential future Kings of England.

# What happened at the Battle of Stamford Bridge?{.objective .objective2}

A description of the Battel of Stamford Bride is given, as well as the outcome. Here students are asked to explore the purpose and key events within this battle and its outcome.

# What happened at the Battle of Hastings?{.objective .objective3}

William, Duke of Normandy, wins the Battle of Hastings and becomes the King of England. Here students can learn about how Harald Hardrada death and its impact.

# Why is the Battle of Hastings a significant event in British History? {.objective .objective4}

Students are asked to explore the scene and learn about how William I consolidated his power in England post the Battel of Hastings. They will be able to learn about the feudal system and castles!

# Teacher Resources
# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/742472/icon.png?date=1676292932&size=484507&md5=2af298d83fcd5301e65d9ebbf601d953)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/742472/files/The%20Battle+of+Hastings+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1676292859&size=1332943&md5=6066773fc32df40849a21fb4f01c1bad)

### Student Quiz Answers Document
