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The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene takes the form of ship which can be explored. Students can walk around multiple areas of the ship to learn about the symbolism that can be found within the poem The Ancient Mariner. There are three key elements to the scene: The ship, the ship in the distance and the individuals on the deck.

# Learning objectives

1: To analyse how penance for sin is addressed in the poem{.info}

2: To understand the themes of the sublime and the mundane{.info}

3: To explore the theme of the supernatural{.info}

# Penance for Sin{.objective .objective1}

In this section students can learn about the theme of penance for sin. In this activity students explore the scene aboard the Mariner’s ship and look for evidence of his sins. What are the consequences of his actions? What emotion is Coleridge trying to convey in the quote above? How would it feel to be aboard a becalmed ship.

# The Sublime and the Mundane{.objective .objective2}

In this section students will consider the themes of the sublime and the mundane. They will be encouraged to explore the scene again and look for evidence of the sublime or the mundane. What can you see in the scene that would be considered sublime? Why would the mariner be punished for suppressing the sublime? Does the scene strike you as a mundane or a sublime place to be?

# Appearances and Reality{.objective .objective3}

In this section students should investigate the theme of the supernatural. They will be asked to look at the scene once more and try to find evidence of the supernatural. What is happening in the scene that could not happen in real life? How would you feel seeing these supernatural events? What evidence can we see of Coleridge using the supernatural to create atmosphere?

# Teacher Resources

Download Teacher Notes


Student Quiz Answers Document


Download Student Quiz Document
