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This scene takes on a representation of some of the key settings within the Shakespearian play Macbeth. In the scene students will be able to visit both Inverness and the Dunsinane castle, as well as the heath. Whilst exploring these settings, students will be able to come across key symbols to learn and reflect about some of the key themes that can be found within the play.

# Learning objectives

1: To explore the theme of the supernatural{.info}

2: To explore the themes of ambition and power{.info}

3: To describe how the characters in the play change their behaviour{.info}

# Supernatural{.objective .objective1}

In this section students can learn about the power of the supernatural and how Macbeth learns of his kingship. Students are asked to identify a key place which relates to the supernatural.

# Ambition and power{.objective .objective2}

Students can learn about the effect of Macbeth’s ambition and the power of Lady Macbeth’s influence. Students are asked to enter the scene to think about how the scene demonstrate the theme of ambition.

# Appearances and Reality{.objective .objective3}

Students discover that characters within the play of Macbeth have hidden sides to them. Not everything seems to be as it appears. Students are asked to enter the scene to investigate characters who can appear to behave in two extremely different ways.

# Teacher Resources

Download Teacher Notes


Student Quiz Answers Document


Download Student Quiz Document
