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Natural Resources

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


The scene lets students explore an open pit mine and learn about natural resources mined for human use. They will learn about some examples of natural resources: coal, oil, minerals, and diamonds, and how they are used. They will also explore the value they have for humans and for global trading between countries whilst considering the impact open pit mining has had on the environment, climate and political stability of countries.

# Learning objectives

1: To understand examples of natural resources and their use.{.info}

2: To explain how natural resources are extracted and distributed.{.info}

3: To describe the impact natural resources have on global communities.{.info}

# Mining for Natural Resources{.objective .objective1}

Students will learn about how open pit mining has become a common and extensive practice for extracting natural resources from the Earth. They should observe the variety of resources being mined and develop a sense of scale of these mines, that they can be extensive and occupy a lot of land.

# Uses and Distribution of Natural Resources{.objective .objective2}

Students will learn that natural resources have a variety of uses and that there are many types: coal, oil, minerals, diamonds and many more. They will consider their importance and why countries who are rich in these resources may be sought to establish trade deals and partnership.

# Impact of Mining{.objective .objective3}

This section will examine how open pit mining has affected the local environment. Students will be asked to explore the scene a final time and observe the landscape. Students will be asked to identify clues that suggest habitat destruction has occurred. They will be asked to look for evidence of pollution and what changes to the environment could lead to unrest within the local community, such as land not being of any use for housing, farming etc.

*Created in association with Alan Parkinson - Head of Geography, King's Ely Junior, Geographical Association President 2021-2022*