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by Avantis World
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# Learning objectives

The Classical Period is a term used to define an era of history when classical music was produced. This era, which is thought to have existed between 1730 and 1820, falls between the Baroque and the Romantic periods. During this time, many composers started to compose unique styles of music that had a lighter and clearer texture than music that had come before. Here students can explore Mozart’s work in detail.

1: Discuss Mozart’s life and contribution to music {.info}

2: Identify and explain characteristics of Mozart’s music {.info}

# Who was Mozart? {.objective .objective1}

In this scene, student can learn how Mozart was able to play several instruments from a young age and learnt from his father, who was a music teacher. In this scene students are asked to identify the following instruments: Piano, keyboard, Viola, and a Violin.

# What was Mozart’s contribution to music? {.objective .objective2}

In this scene students can learn about Mozart’s travels around Europe, paying specific attention to Vienna. In this scene students are asked to listen to several pieces of music and describe the form and structure of each piece as well as its tonality and harmony.

# What are the key characteristics of Mozart’s work?{.objective .objective3}

In this scene students can learn about Eine Kliene Nachtmusick in detail. In this section students are asked to listen to the piece of music and consider how society received and responded to Mozart’s work.