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Māori - People of the Land

by Avantis World

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The scene lets students explore a typical fortified settlement of the Māori people. They will explore the tiered fort where they will observe sea canoes, intricate artwork, Māori tattoos, and weapons used in battle. Here students will learn about the Māori Settlements, how they survived this new environment and important cultural values among the Māori community.

# Learning objectives

1: Know who the Māori People Are {.info}

2: Know how the Māori People Live {.info}

# Who are the Māori People? {.objective .objective1}

Students will learn about the origin of the Māori people and how they formed new settlements in New Zealand. They will learn that the Māori arrived in canoes from eastern Polynesia and established settlements mainly on the coast, and some inland.

# How did the Māori People Survive their Environment? {.objective .objective2}

Students will learn about the Māori combining knowledge of farming and hunting to find sources of food. They will learn about the impact a change in climate had on their environment, food sources, and interaction with other tribes. Students will learn how conflicts with other tribes led to fortified settlements being built.

# Culture{.objective .objective3}

Students will learn about the culture among the Māori. They will learn about the religious beliefs within the community. Students will learn about the arts within the Māori culture, which include carving, the kapa haka, haka, and body tattoos, particularly the ceremonial importance of these arts.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792843/icon.png?date=1679498316&size=484543&md5=bd8a6c3ce3c606454d3ac2ade7197453)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792843/files/Maori%20-+People+of+the+Land+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1679498330&size=1265339&md5=52ed546baad5be153661b8c3e58fa3e7)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
