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The Fall of the Roman Empire

by Avantis World
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The term Empire refers to a sovereign state made up of several territories and people subject to a single ruling authority. The Roman Empire was founded in the 8th century BCE and in total, reached 40,000km across from east to west and 3,700km north to south. In this scene students can explore a Roman Port and learn about the different factors that led to the fall of the Roman Empire.

# Learning Objectives

Define the term Empire.{.info}

Explain how far the Roman Empire spread.{.info}

Explain the key factors which led to the Fall of The Roman Empire.{.info} 

# Political Factors{.objective .objective1}

In this scene students can learn about how the Roman Empire was split into the Eastern and Western Empires.

In this section students are asked to consider which objects were used by opponents when they invaded the Empire.

# Economic Factors  {.objective .objective2}

In this scene students can learn about how the Empire faced an economic nightmare and insufficient troops and resources to defend itself from attacks.

In this section students are asked to identify any examples of natural disasters that led to the downfall of the Roman Empire.

# Religious Factors{.objective .objective3}

In this scene students can learn about how the introduction of Christianity across the Empire, led to a decrease in traditional values being upheld.

In this section students are asked to identify religious symbols which can be linked to other religions that were spreading around the world.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes


### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
