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Skip Counting with Skribby

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


KS1, KS2

5 - 7, 7 - 11

File ( 24MB )



**Key Elements and Scene Summary**

Skip counting is of key importance in setting the foundations of multiplication, and a multi-sensory approach to skip counting is the focus of this enchanted ballroom environment. Learners engage with the patterns traced by magical clothes on hundreds chart dance floors, embedding ideas about digits, odd and even numbers, and the interplay between 2s, 5s, and 10s. The scene further strengthens skills of ordering numbers in correct sequence.

# Learning Objectives

Observe patterns when counting by 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards.{.info}

Interpret and use mathematical vocabulary to identify a number from properties.{.info}

Recognise odd and even number sequences.{.info}

# Hands, Feet, Skip to the Beat{.objective .objective1}

- Learners follow animated clothes counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Following the gloves, socks and shoes, students are tasked with continuing their sequences to 100 by moving miniature versions of the clothes to the correct number tiles.

# Hiding Hats{.objective .objective2}

- Clues on the wall prompt discussion about which number tiles the hats are hiding underneath, including clues modelling the hundreds chart as a coloured grid, and mathematical notation, e.g. less than ‘\<’ and greater than ‘\>’.
- Educators can apply the idea in the context of the progression of their own students, directing them to hide items under the tiles and making up clues for others to find their number.

# Get Dressed, Skribby!{.objective .objective3}

- Movable items of clothing require learners to sequence the numerical ‘tags’ in the correct order. The activity is structured so that some articles of dress are less familiar, to deter from placement of the clothes by recognition alone. Relationships between 5 and 10 are again highlighted.

Extension activities might involve the creation of songs to represent each skip count, with actions (‘stomp’, ‘pop’ etc.) that come together on the 10s. The intent is for the hundreds chart dance floor to serve as a rich mine for activities to suit your pupils’ ever-expanding knowledge base.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://avnfs.com/pXle0pMTPWiBPJjrD00StRLaFNRmduei1Nrjuo23PXw?size=451037&type=image%2Fpng&name=Teacher+Notes+Icon.png)](https://avnfs.com/fQbMjpu8vwE_X3mG1bMh87q6F4CD2-M3b9hNcgT3ALU?size=1333405&type=application%2Fpdf&name=Skip+Counting+with+Skribby+Teachers+Notes+1.pdf)

### Student Worksheet Answers Document


### Download Student Worksheet Document
