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Australian Outback Biome

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack

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The Australian Outback is a vast and diverse region spanning from the northern to the southern Australian coastlines. It is characterised by its arid climate, extreme temperatures, sparse vegetation, and unique wildlife. The Outback is a significant part of the country's identity, covering approximately 70% of the Australian continent.

This scene will introduce students to the Outback environment and some of the animals that live there.

# Learning Objectives 

1: To describe the habitat of the Australian Outback.{.info}  

2: To explain the cultural significance of the Outback to First Nations people and Torres Strait Islanders.{.info}  

3: To identify some risks to the environment of the Outback.{.info}

# Habitat{.objective .objective1} 

The diverse habitat of the Outback is described: the climate, key features, animals, and vegetation. Students will be asked to consider the temperature and potential rainfall in the Outback and should explore the scene to identify some of the animal and plant species they see.

# First Nations People{.objective .objective2} 

The cultural importance of the Outback to First Nations people and Torres Strait Islanders is explained. Students will be asked to identify a landmark which holds spiritual significance to First Nations people and Torres Strait Islanders.

# Challenges and Conservation{.objective .objective3} 

This section will identify some of the risks to the Outback, including land degradation, invasive species, water management and climate change.

Students will also learn how they manage risks with the introduction of conservation projects.

## To find out more about the Australian Outback biome and the people who live there, we've included some links below.

[Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander](https://aiatsis.gov.au/)

[Outback Communities Authority](https://www.oca.sa.gov.au/)

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://avnfs.com/5jjrAB3QVTOvf-AJKnDhHDijs92wurHJvw5G3SVOY38?size=288210&type=image%2Fpng&name=Australian+Outback+TN+Icon+1.png)](https://avnfs.com/Mimwq1iu0rAwx3kENJUeuCzGUUrSDi6AdU3j2P7txN0?size=771894&type=application%2Fpdf&name=Australian+Outback+Biome+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
