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Life Skills Winner

by WiseMind Studios LLC


This is the BRAND NEW version of Life Skills Winner. Please note that you need an account from app.lifeskillswinner.com to play this app.

What is this app? This app teaches social and life skills to kids. It breaks down each task into steps on how to accomplish the task. Whenever you do a step, you get points. With those points, you can redeem prizes (whatever the parent/teacher has put in on the app).

What kind of tasks are in this app? First of all it depends if you have a free or paid account on the website. But here is the tasks we have currently.
1. Washing hands.
2. Brushing teeth.
3. Distance to stand when talking to someone.
4. Brushing hair.
5. Making a sandwich.
6. Face Recognition.
7. Putting shoes on the correct foot.
8. Laundry Sorting.
9. Setting the table.
10. Tutorial.
11. Washing Dishes.

This project will grow with more and more tasks for you to enjoy!

This app was originally designed for children on the autism spectrum and the developmentally delayed, it is appropriate for teaching anyone who needs to learn these skills.