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Youtube TV (movies in spanish)

by netplayed


Enjoy the best movies, series and documentaries for your phone or tablet through our sorted Youtube videos.
We select and sort the best videos IN SPANISH related to Youtube movies, series and documentaries to enjoy them easily and quickly.

Our app only shows those videos that you can play and use the videotechnology better fits on your device. In this
way the video will always operate both through Flash, RTSP, HTML5, and last in forwarding the video to the Youtube app.

We have grouped the videos into:

Other features include:
- You can see a list of the last 50 videos played
- Our player can be moved forward shaking your mobile
- Block videos with password if you like
- Our player should avoid any pause and play any video
- Each video watched is marked with a green check
- You can create a list of your favorite videos
- You can select your favorite videolists
- You can search videos from all our selection.
- When you see a video it tries to continue where it left off
- Each list can play the videos one by one or all at once
- Only shows the videos you can see, this filter out banned, deleted, restricted, etc. ..
- If you play all the videos at once they are seen in continuous mode, without pauses.
- Works with flash, without flash (HTML5) and RTSP.
- If you play all the videos at the same time we allow to preload the next video, so avoid pauses video loading.
- By default we set the parameters for the minimum use of mobile resources and bandwidth. We recommend you to reconfigure according to your preferences.
- You can filter videos from a list by first letter.
- You can view the videos in full screen mode on your mobile.
- Viewing all the videos from a list you will enjoy a breathtaking Youtube player that adds new functionality to standard Youtube player.
- And many more ...!