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Our Five Senses

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene takes place in a virtual lab with a 3D model of a human brain connected to all five sense organs. Each organ is connected via coloured wire that is attached to the corresponding part of the brain associated with that sense. There are diagrams on the wall explaining how the senses work.

# Learning objectives

1: Be able to describe the organisation of our sensory system.{.info}

2: Be able to describe each of the five senses{.info}

# Touch{.objective .objective1}

First section of this scene covers touch and how nerve receptors in our body send feedback to the brain via electrical signals. The activity asks students to look at the touch section of the scene and think about why touch is so important to humans.

# Smell and Taste{.objective .objective2}

This section outlines smell and taste and how they are closely linked. A comparison of both, looking at the nose and the tongue in conjunction with one another, should be encouraged and how that might play a part in smell and taste being linked. This activity looks at a smelly pair of shoes by the nose and the chocolate by the tongue and ask students to explain why it taste and smell are so important to us.

# Sight and Hearing{.objective .objective3}

In this section, A description of heating and sight will be provided. Also, how hearing and sight are closely related and how both are very important to human survival. This section explains how eyes convert light to an electrical impulse to send signals to the brain and how tiny vibrations in the air transmit sound to the ear.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/794026/icon.png?date=1677507022&size=450194&md5=3d2553f2d3f592c5ae4cd0942700ca0b)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/794026/files/Our%20Five+Senses+Teachers+Notes+Only.pdf?date=1677507046&size=841989&md5=9d0a3c66167112c2f4e0360bf6c7f283)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
