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A Christmas Carol

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


Take a walk through the streets of London and learn about the life of Ebenezer Scrooge. Visit his counting house, his own house, and the house of Tiny Tim and learn about how Scrooges’ character develops after being visited by a series of ghosts during the night of Christmas Eve!

# Learning objectives

1: To explain the plot of A Christmas Carol{.info}

2: To understand the key themes of A Christmas Carol{.info}

3: To describe the key settings throughout the novel{.info}

# The Plot{.objective .objective1}

This section provides students with a summary of the book. Students are asked to identify the key locations from the novel.

# Theme 1: Generosity{.objective .objective2}

In this section students can visit Scrooges house and learn about how Scrooge was warned by his friend Jacob Marley of his future. In this section students should identify further examples of generosity throughout the novel.

# Theme 2: Regret{.objective .objective3}

In this section students can learn about Scrooges young adult life and his ex-fiancée Beth. Students are asked to consider if the theme of regret increased the reason as to why Scrooge becomes more generous in his later adult life.

# Theme 3: Moral Responsibility{.objective .objective4}

In this section students can learn about the Ghosts that visit Scrooge and how they foretell the past, present and future. In this section students will be asked to consider whether someone can be a good businessman and a good person simultaneously.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes


### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
