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alk To Me 100® Lite (free version) is a powerful, engaging tool for children who are learning to talk, or who have difficulty mastering verbal expression. An interactive teaching device, Talk To Me 100® allows the child - by pressing buttons - to see words, hear words, understand their meaning and experience the joy of communication. Using the pinch and swipe gestures, the board can be expanded and moved on the tablet as needed. This Free Version offers 9 of the most frequently used symbols and sounds. The full version is priced at $5.99 and offers 100 symbols and corresponding sounds.
The Talk To Me 100® Android App was developed by a Speech and Language Pathologist as a way to facilitate error-less communication (in which the learner never fails, but is supported in all communication attempts) to teach beginning language skills.
This new voice output app helps parents, teachers and therapists jump-start verbal expression for children who are struggling to communicate.
Talk To Me 100® allows the learner to control their environment, and to signal the point of readiness to communicate. Talk To Me 100® also provides immediate and consistent feedback, allows for practice and repetition of 100 frequently used words throughout daily activities, provides fun and enjoyment and lets the learner become accustomed to touch screen use.