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Adverbs and Adjectives

by Avantis World

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# Objectives:

Describe what an adjective is{.info}

Describe what an adverb is.{.info}

Understand how adverbs can change an adjective.{.info}

Welcome to Cassia the Colon Dragon’s Ice-Cream Shop! After saving her hard-earned money from her building project work, Cassia has finally opened her dream business; following her passion for sweet treats! Students will explore the ice-cream shop where they will meet a few familiar characters who will provide an opportunity for students to practice identifying adjectives and adverbs in a sentence.

# What are adjectives?{.objective .objective1}

This section gives students a description of what an adjective is and how they can be used. Students should read through this section to refresh their knowledge on what an adjective is, to prepare themselves for the task within the scene.

Each 3D character will have a text box containing sentences which describe what the characters are doing. For each text box students will see movable words which should be moved into the gaps in the sentences. One will be an adjective and one will be an adverb. They should determine which word should be placed into the gaps so that the sentence makes sense.

They will also see two more movable words ‘Adverb’ and ‘Adjective’ which should be moved to mark the correct words within the sentences.

# What is an adverb?{.objective .objective2}

This section gives students a description of what an adverb is and how they can be used. Students should read through this section to refresh their knowledge on what an adjective is, to prepare themselves for the task within the scene.

Each 3D character will have a text box containing sentences which describe what the characters are doing. For each text box students will see movable words which should be moved into the gaps in the sentences. One will be an adjective and one will be an adverb. They should determine which word should be placed into the gaps so that the sentence makes sense.

They will also see two more movable words ‘Adverb’ and ‘Adjective’ which should be moved to mark the correct words within the sentences.

# Download the Teacher Notes for Adverbs and Adjectives


# Download the Answers to the worksheets




# Download the worksheets




# Assignment

Create a table with the headings: ’**Adverbs**’ and ‘**Adjectives’**. Write a list of adverbs and corresponding adjectives.