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Introducing Colons

by Avantis World
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This scene takes place in the Dragonville Town Square where Cassia the Colon Dragon is leading a building project to erect a punctuation sculpture in recognition of the Punctuation Dragons.

# Objectives:

1: Recognise the colon punctuation mark.{.info}

2: Understand why a colon is used.{.info}

3: Understand why punctuation is used in writing.{.info}

# What is a colon and how is it used?{.objective .objective1}

Students are provided with an explanation and examples of using colons.

They are tasked with searching for the hints on how to use colons in Cassia’s portacabin. They should then look for the movable text boxes within the scene and order them to make sense of the sequence of the story.

Direct them to the movable colons in the digger which should be placed in the correct position in the text boxes.

# Using Punctuation{.objective .objective2}

To support understanding of the role of punctuation in writing, ask your students to read, or read the following two sentences to them:

*James looked into the mirror and saw a mysterious doorway cast in shadows he took a step forward and felt himself being pulled into the mirror it had transported him to another world*

*James looked into the mirror and saw a mysterious doorway, cast in shadows. He took a step forward and felt himself being pulled into the mirror! It had transported him to another world.*

One has been punctuated and one has not. What differences do your students hear between the two?

The following text is placed in the scene for students to punctuate with colons:

**Text 1:**

Before planning a large building project, there are three things to consider: time, budget, and resources.

**Text 2:**

In her fleet, Cassia had: diggers, building supplies, and willing dragon friends.

**Text 3:**

She knew that timely completion of the job came down to one thing: determination!

**Text 4:**

To gain publicity, she called Quentin at the Dragonville Television Station. When he didn’t answer, she left a voice message: “Please call me back, I have exciting news!”

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