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by Corinth

Science, Biology, Geology

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Tyrannosaurus is one of the largest theropods known. His length was 13 m and the weight was estimated to 6,5 tons. Skull is relatively massive, tapered in the frontal part and it could exceed to 1,5 m in the largest specimens. Teeth are knife-like shaped, cambered, marked with indentation of both frontal and back sides and exceeding 30 cm in length. Arms possessing two visible digits are extremely short (max. 1 m long). The tail is long and thick. Juvenile specimens were probably feathered. Tyrannosaurus was the Late Cretaceous top predator in the territory of North America (68‒66 Ma).

## Keywords
Mesozoic, Upper Cretaceous, dinosaurs, Saurischia, Theropoda, Tyrannosauridae