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Dasicladus is a calcified unicellular and multinucleated green alga in the family Dasycladaceae (order Dasicladales, class Ulvophyceae). The representatives of the family extend from the Jurassic to the recent. Morphologically, fossil dasycladalean algae are radially symmetrical, with a central axis that produces whorls of lateral appendixes, some of which are branched. Most members of the Dasycladales secrete lime (CaCO3) around the thallus, and this greatly increases their potential for preservation. The thallus was attached to the substrate by simple rhizoids. The height of the living species of D. vermicularis varies between 2 and 7 cm and its width at the top reaches 5-7 cm. The global distribution of the species includes the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean.

## Keywords
Plantae Chlorophyta Ulvophyceae