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by Corinth

Science, Biology, Geology

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Sagenopteris is a palmately compound leaf consisting of three to five leaflets with variation of entire to lobed margins, ranging from the Middle Triassic to the Early Cretaceous. The foliage is often associated in Jurassic with finds of reproductive organs named Caytonia and Caytonanthus. The ovule-bearing structure named Caytonia consists of an axis 5 cm long bearing stalked multiovulate cupules in subopposite pairs. Each cupule is nearly circular in outline and up to 4.5 mm in diameter. Caytonanthus is a pollen-bearing structure consists of a slender axis bearing flattened, pinnate lateral branches; each branch bears from one to three elongate synangia. Each synangium is up to 1 cm long contains one to four pollen sacs.

## Keywords
Plantae Spermatophyta †Pteridospermophyta