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Bromine and Bromine Molecule

by Corinth


**Symbol:** Br

**Atomic number:** 35

**International title:** Bromine

**General formula:** Br₂

**Relative Atomic Weight:** 79,904

**Information:** Bromine is a toxic, reddish-brown liquid. It is very volatile (it evaporates quickly). Its vapours are deadly dangerous. Bromine, as well as other halogens, form the two-atom molecules Br₂ with a single bond between the atoms. These are typical non-metals.

**Use:** It is used as a raw material in the chemical industry and in the manufacturing of drugs (cough damping drops) and halogen bulbs.

**Occurrence:** The occurrence of bromine on Earth is very low. It is only present in the form of compounds. The largest occurrence of bromine is in seawater.