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**Symbol:** Li

**Atomic number:** 33

**International title:** lithium

**Relative Atomic Weight:** 6,941

**Information:** Lithium is a highly reactive, glossy, light, very soft (can be cut by a knife) metal with a silver colouration. It conducts very well electricity and heat. Its compounds only exist in the form of a lithium cation Li⁺.

**Use:** It is used for the production of lithium batteries (long-term storage of electricity). It is also used to remove heat (as a cooling medium) in nuclear reactors. The lithium carbonate compound is used to treat manic depressive disorder.

**Occurrence:** On Earth, it is found in several minerals, for example, LiAlSi₂O₆.

**Structure:** Lithium crystallizes into a cubic (cubic) system (spatially centered cell).