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**Chemical name:** Thiamine, or more precisely thiamine chloride

**Chemical formula:** C₁₂H₁₇N₄OSCl

**Molar mass:** 265,35 g/mol

**Information:** Pure vitamin B₁ is a water soluble white powder. It is the coenzyme of many enzymes.

**Effects:** Vitamin B₁ has a positive effect on the nervous system and fights against fatigue. After a long-term deficiency of vitamin B₁ may appear a disease called beriberi ("sheep walking"; sick people are undermining their feet and their walking is similar to the one of sheep). Nowadays, this disease occurs very rarely. A slight deficiency of vitamin B₁ may cause the weakening of the memory, poor concentration, sensitivity, uncertainty, changes in pressure and heart rate, insomnia, confusion, depression and melancholy.

**Source:** Wheat products, pork and sunflower seeds.