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**Chemical name:** Ergocalciferol

**Molecular formula:** C₂₈H₄₄O

**Molar mass:** 396,63 g/mol

**Information:** Vitamin D₂ (ergocalciferol), together with vitamin D₃ (cholecalciferol) are the most important representatives of vitamin D. It is a lipid-soluble substance.

**Effects:** Vitamin D in the body regulates the balance of minerals, calcium and phosphate ions which strengthen bones and teeth. A long-term of vitamin D deficiency develops the disease or rickets, which is associated with bone decalcification.

**Resource:** Vitamin D is rarely found in nature. It is more often found in the form of provitamin which varies due to UV radiation on the vitamin. The source of vitamin D are mushrooms, fish, beef liver, fish oil and chicken eggs.