Subject: History
Year 4 Social Studies - History
KS1 History for Workbook
KS2 British History for Workbook
KS2 Ancient History for Workbook
KS2 Modern History for Workbook
LearnPad Workbook Secondary Starter Profile
EYFS Understanding the World for Workbook
Secondary Standard KS4
Secondary Standard KS3
O império Napoleônico
Yellow Door Traditional Tales - Premium
A reforma religiosa
Crise de 29
A Revolução Russa
Segunda Guerra Mundial
A América antes das invasões europeias
A República no Brasil
O período Vargas 3º ano
A Guerra Fria
História da África
Período Regencial no Brasil
I Reinado no Brasil
A ditadura militar
II Guerra Mundial
I Guerra Mundial
As cruzadas
A crise de 29
O renascimento
A Revolução Francesa
O Nazifascismo
O período Vargas
A expansão marítima europeia
Lección 1. Español 1º grado
Revolução industrial
Lección 3. Historia 4º grado
Lección 3. Historia 6º grado.
Lección 3: Historia 5º grado
Roma antiga
O sistema colonial
Sistemas de notação do tempo
Império Bizantino
Lección 3 : Exploración 2° grado
Revolução Russa
Lección 1 bim : Exploración 1° gdo
O Feudalismo
A Europa na Idade Média
Grécia Antiga
Demo Preparatoria: Historia
Lección 1 bim: Historia 4° gdo
Event - Remembrance Day
Lección 1 bim: Historia 5° gdo
Event - Guy Fawkes
Lección 1: Historia 6° grado
CA.SS-8.12 - Analyze the Economy and Social and Political Conditions in the US During Industrial Revolution
CA.SS-8.11 - Analyze the character and lasting consequences of Reconstruction
CA.SS-8.10 - Analyze the Causes, Key Events, and Consequences of the Civil War
CA.SS-8.9 - Analyze the Attempts to Ablolish Slavery and the Ideals of the Declaration of Independence
CA.SS-8.8 - Analyze the American People in the West from 1800 to the mid-1800's
CA.SS-8.7 - Analyze the American People in the South from 1800 to the mid-1800's
CA.SS-8.6 - Analyze the American People in the Northeast from 1800 to the mid-1800's
CA.SS-8.5 - Analyze US Foreign Policy in the Early Republic
CA.SS-8.4 - Analyze the Aspirations and Ideals of the People of a New Nation
CA.SS-8.3 - The American Political System and the Ways Citizens Participate
CA.SS-8.2 - The US Constitution and the Powers of the Federal Government
CA.SS-8.1 - Founding of Our Nation and the Development of Democracy
CA.SS-7.11 - Analyze the Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason
CA.SS-7.9 - Historical Developments of the Reformation
CA.SS-7.8 - Analyze the Renaissance
CA.SS-7.7 - Meso American vs. Andean Civilizations
CA.SS-7.5 - Civilization of Medieval Japan
CA.SS-7.6 - Civilizations of Medieval Europe
CA.SS-7.4 - Sub-Saharan Civilizations of Ghana and Mali in Medieval Africa
CA.SS-7.3 - Civilization of China in the Middle Ages
CA.SS-7.2 - Civilization of Islam in the Middle Ages
CA.SS-7.1 - Causes and Effects of the Roman Empire
CA.SS-6.7 - Students Analyze the Development of Rome
CA.SS-6.6 - Students Analyze Early Civilizations of China
CA.SS-6.5 - Students Analyze India
CA.SS-6.4 - Students Analyze Ancient Greece
CA.SS-6.3 - Students Analyze the Ancient Hebrews
CA.SS-6.1 - Development of Humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the Agricultural Revolution
CA.SS-5.8 - American People from 1789 to the mid-1800s
CA.SS-5.6 - Revolution
CA.SS-5.5 - Revolutionary War
CA.SS-5.4 - Colonial Period
CA.SS-5.3 - Conflict
CA.SS-5.2 - Exploration
CA.SS-7.10 -Analyze the Scientific Revolution
CA.SS-K.1 - Citizenship
CA.SS-5.7 - US Government
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