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Slot Canyon Arizona

by ClassVR
This resource is only available as part of a pack


Upper Antelope Canyon is certainly one of the most fascinating slot canyons. Even though it is neither the narrowest nor the longest (only 400m), or the deepest, this is the only one which a thin streak of light penetrates during the middle of the day in summer which then transforms the place into a true artistic gallery.

Slot canyons are tiny canyons formed when water finds its way into a crack or fissure in the bedrock. Occurring largely in deserts or areas with low rainfall, a slot canyon is the result of thousands of years of weather extremes. In the case of Antelope Canyon, an intermittent creek that now empties into the Colorado River would erupt in turbulent flash floods that wore away the sandstone rock face, followed by hot, dry periods where sandstorms buffed the canyon walls to a striated, swirled finish. Over time, these weather patterns lessened in severity, but this natural process of erosion continues to be a part of Antelope Canyon’s ongoing evolution.