Age Range: 5 - 7
Coding Festa Hour 2024
Baby Animals
Temperate Regions
Savannas & Deserts
Polar & Arctic
Oceans & Rivers
Jungle & Rainforest
Digital Literacy 4 Summer 2024
3 Mathematics
Digital Literacy 4 Summer 2023
Digital Literacy 4 Summer 2022
PSCD Year 6
DLTS Digital Literacy 4 Summer 2020
KS1 Physical Education for Workbook
KS1 Religious Education for Workbook
KS1 Design and Technology for Workbook
Primary Personal, Social and Health Education for Workbook
KS1 Art for Workbook
KS1 Music for Workbook
KS1 Geography for Workbook
KS2 Human Geography and Map Skills for Workbook
KS2 Physical Geography for Workbook
KS1 History for Workbook
KS2 Ancient History for Workbook
Stejjer ġodda - Malti
Y1 Science for Workbook
Y2 Science for Workbook
KS1 English for Workbook
KS1 Mathematics for Workbook
LearnPad Workbook Primary General Starter Profile
Malta Default Profile
Rio 2016 Olympics
Year 4 Mathematics - Geometry
World Book Day
British Food Fortnight
Lección 1 . Matemáticas 1º grado
Lección 1. Español 1º grado
Lección 3: Matemáticas 3 gdo
Lección 3. FCyE 1º grado.
Lección 3. Desafíos matemáticos 1º grado
Lección 3: FCYE 3er grado
Lección 3. Español 2º grado
Lección 3. Formación Cívica 2° gdo
Lección 3. Matemáticas 2º grado.
Lección 3 bim: FCYE 2° grado
Lección 3 : Exploración 2° grado
Lección 2 bim : Español 1º gdo (Cuentos Infantiles)
Lección 1 bim : Matemáticas 2° gdo
Lección 1 bim : FCYE 1° gdo
Lección 1 bim : Exploración 2º gdo
Lección 1 bim : Exploración 1° gdo
Lección 2: FCyE 1º
Leccion 2: Español 1º
Lección 1 bim : Ciencias 3º grado
Primary > My Money Week
KS1 > Fair Trade
Primary - Multimedia
Primary - Visual Media
Elementary Starter
Primary - Digital Literacy
Primary - Music & Sound
Primary - Technology and Programming
CA.SCI-1.1 - Physical Science
CA.SS-2.2- North American Continet and Maps
CA.SS-2.5 -American Heros
CA.SS-2.4- Goods and Services
CA.SCI-3.3 - Earth Science
CA.SS-2.3 - Branches of Government
CA.SCI-3.2 - Life Science
CA.SCI-3.1 - Physical Science
CA.SS-2.1- Family History
CA.SCI-2.3 - Earth Science
CA.SCI-2.2 - Life Science
CA.SCI-2.1 - Physical Science
CA.SCI-1.3 - Earth Science
CA.SCI-1.2 - Life Sciences
CA.SCI-K.3 - Earth Science
CA.SS-3.3 - Maps and Economy
CA.SS-3.2 - Native Americans
CA.SS-3.1 - Maps- Graphs
CA.SCI-K.2 - Life Science
CA.SCI-K.1 - Physical Science
CCSS.Math.Content.3.G- Geometry
CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD- Measurement and Data
CCSS.Math.Content.3.NBT- Number and Operations in Base Ten
CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
CCSS.Math.Content.2.G-Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
CA.SS-1.6 - Basic Economic Concepts
CA.SS-1.5 - American Culture
CCSS.Math.Content.2.MD- Measurement and Data
CCSS.Math.Content.2.OA- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
CA.SS-1.4 - Life Around the World
CA.SS-1.3 - Symbols of Our Nation
CA.SS-1.2 - Geography
CA.SS-1.1 - Citizenship
- This list has been truncated. Please apply a filter to focus on the resources you are looking for.