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# Celebrating Trailblazing Women Celebrate women worldwide with this collection of resources. Guide students through history to honor the remarkable contributions of women of the past who continue to shape our world. ## Key Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe the role of pioneering women in various fields including science, physics and politics 2. Write at least three milestones achieved by women that have shaped history in their respective industries 3. Analyze the wider impact their contributions had on society and future generations ## How to Use This Playlist: This playlist includes a range of resources for students to go back in time and explore the contributions of remarkable women throughout history. Here are some suggestions on how to use the resources: ***Florence Nightingale Explorable Scene*** - Students go back in time to explore how the pioneering statistician Florence Nightingale revolutionized hospital care, hygiene and conditions, greatly influencing the well-being of soldiers in Crimea during the 19th century and beyond. Use this to analyze how Florence Nightingale's work led to the creation of new medical, sanitary and statistical departments shaping health care practices that still influence hospitals today. - [Florence Nightingale](https://edvr.se/UFG-zxX-aRa/florence-nightingale-hospital) ***The Moon Landing Explorable Scene*** – Explore the work made possible by Katherine Johnson, a NASA mathematician, whose calculations of orbital mechanics led to NASA’s first successful crewed space mission and the eventual Apollo moon landings. Johnson was one of many Black and female mathematicians whose accomplishments at NASA have too often been overlooked. - [The Moon Landing](https://edvr.se/UFG-zxX-aRa/the-moon-landings) ***The Role of Women in World War One*** - Use this explorable scene to dive into the crucial role women played during WWI, especially on the homefront, in the armed forces and in agriculture. Take students on a journey back in time to the munition factory, a place where many women joined the workforce, becoming munitionettes making weapons like shells and guns. - [The Role of Women in World War 1](https://edvr.se/Ml9-stB-1BN/women-war-one) ***Anne Frank’s House*** - Let students explore the hidden annex where German-born Diarist Anne Frank and her family hid during the persecution of the Jewish community in World War Two. Use this scene to discuss the lasting impact of her diary on history, human rights and the voices of young women worldwide. - [Anne Frank’s House](https://edvr.se/Ml9-stB-1BN/anne-franks-house) ***The Suffragettes*** - Deeds and not Words! This scene lets students explore London during the 1900s. Students can walk around a park, a high street and a prison to learn about the causes and consequences of the suffrage movement. Use this explorable scene to discuss women's sacrifices, treatment and actions and how these have had a lasting impact on women's rights in many places worldwide. - [The Suffragettes](https://edvr.se/Ml9-stB-1BN/women-suffrage-movement) ***The Life of Marie Curie Explorable Scene and Radium Atom Thinglink*** - Celebrate the life and work of Polish-French physicist and chemist Marie Curie with this immersive virtual museum and discover more about her pioneering work in developing the theory of radiation. Through her contribution to the desolation and isolation of Radium and Polonium, which later led to the medical application of radiation, discover how Curie revolutionized medical diagnosis and care during WW1. Before entering the explorable scene, explore and observe the atomic structure of radium, a radioactive element with 34 known isotopes. - [The Life of Marie Curie](https://edvr.se/ztx-br1-Th1/the-life-of-marie-curie) - [Radiom Atom Thinglink](https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1943004446501897060) ***Structure of DNA Explorable Scene and DNA Helix Thinglink*** – Use this explorable scene and DNA Thinglink model as a starting point to discuss chemist Rosalind Franklin's pinnacle work in laying the foundations for the discovery of the DNA double helix, which ultimately led to groundbreaking advancements in genetics and molecular biology. - [Structure of DNA Explorable Scene](https://edvr.se/ztx-br1-Th1/structure-of-dna) - [DNA Helix Thinglink](https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1657083038246371331)
