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# Creating Calm Amongst the Chaos
Feeling overwhelmed? Channel your students' focus with this back-to-school playlist to motivate and inspire them through tranquil tunes, uplifting scenery, and calming places.
## Key Learning Outcomes:
1. Practice effective emotional regulation techniques by using calming and motivational tools to maintain a positive learning mindset
2. Reflect on feelings before and after stimuli and assess the impact on emotional well-being
## How to Use This Playlist:
This playlist includes a range of resources designed to help students ease back into school, help regulate feelings, and reintegrate into their routines.
Here are some suggestions on how to use the resources:
***Sensory Room Emotions Explorable Scene*** - Students can explore emotions in a safe space to help them self-regulate and decompress. Use this room to discuss the different emotions coming up for your students, especially when getting back into routines and responsibilities.
- [Sensory Room Emotions](
***360 Videos*** - Transport your students to a series of calming videos designed to relax the central nervous system so they can create space in their minds, declutter, and refocus on other things they need to do.
- [Fireflies in the Sunset](
- [Stars Over Arizona Timelapse](
- [Waves on a Remote Beach](
***360 Image – Northern Lights Above Glacier*** - Experience the natural beauty of the aurora borealis and relax into the swirling rays of blues, greens, and pinks. Some example questions are: What specific image elements (e.g., colors, scenery, movement) contribute to your sense of calm or relaxation? How does the image compare to other emotional regulation techniques, such as listening to music or practicing mindfulness?
- [Northern Lights Above Glacier](
***Sensory Room Light Explorable Scene*** - Take a step back and observe the different elements in the light sensory room. Refocus students by asking them questions about what they can see and how the lighting in the sensory room makes them feel. Did they notice any changes in their mood or concentration afterward? How can they use the insights from this experience to create a more focused and calmer learning environment?
- [Sensory Room Light](
***Musical Focus – Time Tunnel Video*** - End your sensory well-being exploration with this musical time tunnel. Students can describe changes in their focus or mood as they move through the different musical segments. Which part of the time tunnel had the most calming or energizing effect? Encourage them to reflect on the entire experience and what new insights they might have gained about their emotional well-being.
- [Musical Focus – Time Tunnel](