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This scene takes the form of Little Red Riding Hood’s village and forest. Students can explore Little Red Riding Hood’s village to learn about some of the key settings that exist within the fairy tale. Students can visit Little Red Riding Hood’s house, her grandmother’s house and the village shop. Students can walk along the path to grandmother’s house and encounter the wolf in the grandmother’s bedroom.

# Learning objectives

1: To describe Little Red Riding Hood’s village{.info}

2: To identify key objects in the forest{.info}

3: To explain what happened at Grandma’s house{.info}

# Little Red Riding Hood’s Village{.objective .objective1}

This section allows students to explore the village shop and learn about the ingredients Little Red Riding Hood needs to create her surprise meal and discover how she is warned of the wolf. In this activity students are asked to enter the scene to specifically identify what Red Riding Hood is making for her grandma.

# The Forest{.objective .objective2}

In this section students can move through the forest to identify some of the creatures that live in the forest and investigate how Little Red Riding Hood tries to keep safe on her journey. Students are asked to identify any objects that show the forest to be a dangerous place.

# Grandma’s House{.objective .objective3}

In this section students can explore Grandma’s house to find out what happens when Little Red Riding Hood arrives and how both characters are saved. Your students should enter the scene to discover which character and item frightened the wolf away.

# Teacher Resources

Download Teacher Notes


Student Quiz Answers Document


Download Student Quiz Document
