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The Triassic Period

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene lets students explore a variety of habitats during the Triassic Period. Students will explore and observe the habitats, the organisms living in it and compare it to modern day environments. As such the students will develop an understanding of how the Triassic Period came about and how existing organisms as well as newly emerged ones, that dominated as species, were a result of the changing habitats due to the continental drift.

# Learning objectives

1: Describe the Landscape and Climate During the Triassic Period {.info}

2: Identify the organisms that dominated the Triassic Period {.info}

3: Describe the changes that led to the Mass Extinction at the end of the Triassic Period {.info}

# Then and Now {.objective .objective1}

Students will learn about the main characteristics of the landscape, habitats, and climate of the Triassic period as well as compare it to the modern-day environment. They will also learn the significance of the continental drift and the impact it had on the diversity of habitats and as a result emergence of new species.

# Wonderful Critters {.objective .objective2}

Here students will learn about the various organisms that dominated as well as emerged during the Triassic Period. They will develop knowledge of how they were suited to their habitats how the Triassic Period was important in their emergence.

Students will be asked to explore the scene and observe the creatures in their environment. They are to think about the information on the task page and use it to identify the creatures.

# The End! {.objective .objective3}

In this part, students will learn about how the environment changed during the Triassic period. As such they will develop an understanding how changes in the environment, such as temperature and carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere and in the oceans lead to the decline and mass extinction at the end of the Triassic Period.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792746/icon.png?date=1676544300&size=330603&md5=c4582382801df799c9ea71d3c416f3ba)]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792746/files/The%20Triassic+Period+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1676544256&size=1501934&md5=170254591072d1b22c1356fdbaa7cb4e)

### Student Quiz Answers Document

[![Answers]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792747/icon.png?date=1676544385&size=250951&md5=e304fb1d5a8eb38f0c9087c42f8af5af)]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792747/files/The%20Triassic+Period+Teacher+Notes+2.pdf?date=1676544353&size=868801&md5=510b12677aaedff43f6712cf49049c36)

### Download Student Quiz Document

[![Quiz]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792748/icon.png?date=1676544503&size=96997&md5=952eac158e1273afd7b0ecc206bd05de)]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792748/files/The%20Triassic+Period+Teacher+Notes+3.pdf?date=1676544467&size=95414&md5=ef1ec0a58f2d21b69aabe5f05d5c6107)