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The Cold War and The Space Race

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack

History, Science


14 - 16

File ( 23MB )



This scene takes an interactive form of the Space Race that took place between the USA and the USSR after the Second World War. In this scene, students can travel into space and discover important information about Sputnik, the launch of the first dog, the first-human space craft and the first person to walk on the moon.

# Learning objectives

1: Understand how the Cold War fuelled the Space Race {.info}

2: Understands how the United States and the Soviet Union sought to use victories in their space programs to achieve foreign policy goals {.info}

# What was the Space Race? {.objective .objective1}

The Space Race was a key event that took place within a period of History known as The Cold War. Here, students can learn how the Space Race was a struggle between the USSR and The US and how each side developed many pieces of technology in a short period of time.

# What happened during the Space Race? {.objective .objective2}

Sputnik, the Explorer One and other key pieces of technology were made and launched into space as a part of the Space Race. Students should examine which pieces of technology were created and when, being able to explain the space race in a chronological order.

# How did the Space Race affect the World? {.objective .objective3}

The Space Race affected the world in many ways and can be understood to be a historical turning point. Looking at the developments in communication, Medicine and Technology students will be able to argue which outcome had the most importance.

# Teacher Resources

###Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/793993/icon.png?date=1677499466&size=260768&md5=9ba8fc178ff544e67bc591f0512efe8a)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/793993/files/The%20Cold+War+and+The+Space+Race+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1677499414&size=1021181&md5=2882abb3516c8461f8e11c9007ed59f9)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
