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A religious festival is a time of special importance marked by followers to those religions. Religious festivals are commonly celebrated each year and allow individuals time to reflect on their religion, reaffirm their beliefs and come together to celebrate. In this scene students can explore an Islamic household and learn about how some Muslims celebrate the festivals of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. # Learning objectives 1. What is Ramadan?{.info} 2. How is Ramadan Celebrated?{.info} 3. What is Eid-al-Fitr?{.info} # What is Ramadan?{.objective .objective1} In this scene students can learn how Ramadan is a festival that Muslims must remember how their religious text, the Quran, was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad, and how he was the individual to write the information down. In this scene students are asked to explore the scene and identify several Islamic artefacts and symbols. # How is Ramadan Celebrated?{.objective .objective2} In this scene students can learn that some Muslims visit a Mosque or stay at home to celebrate Ramadan and Eid. In this section students are asked to explore the scene and consider the advantages and disadvantages Muslims may face celebrating Ramadan at different times of the year. # What is Eid-al-fitr? {.objective .objective3} In this scene students can learn that Ramadan ends with a three-day festival of Eid. In this section students re asked to enter the scene and identify how Muslims pray. # Teacher Resources ### Download Teacher Notes [![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/797733/icon.png?date=1680683002&size=416746&md5=827f528f3d3c31ef33d1b1c1eb25cf97)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/797733/files/Ramadan%20Teachers+Notes+1.pdf?date=1680682954&size=1266706&md5=efff6b3d2dac9b4ebde8faa67b3d10fd) ### Student Quiz Answers Document [![Answers](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/797731/icon.png?date=1680681817&size=335261&md5=bb40cce02dfc0a0db8395b4c22dab7ae)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/797731/files/Ramadan%20Teachers+Notes+2.pdf?date=1680681762&size=869709&md5=dc171799bbd916524fb4f68970df0c6b) ### Download Student Quiz Document [![Quiz](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/797732/icon.png?date=1680681918&size=161354&md5=b2934e6673dd87b3fe7361f178c45b7b)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/797732/files/Ramadan%20Teachers+Notes+3.pdf?date=1680681877&size=96203&md5=9f239497fd1363e05acea7aac91670ef)