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The Fox and the Crow

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack

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Aesop's Fables were a collection of tales thought to have originated in Ancient Greece by Aesop, a Greek storyteller. Over the years, his many stories have been published and adapted around the world. This scene brings to life Aesop’s fable of The Fox and the Crow. Students can explore the fox’s den by removing the leaves and climb the crow’s tree to learn more about the themes of flattery and pride.

# Learning Objectives:

1: To describe the characters in The Fox and the Crow.{.info}

2: To retell the story as a sequence of events.{.info}

3: To understand the morals behind the story of The Fox and the Crow.{.info}

# Envy{.objective .objective1}

In this section students will learn how the fox first sniffs out the cheese and makes the decision to try and take it from the crow.
Students can explore the fox’s den and find evidence to show how much he likes cheese. Your students will be asked to think about why he can smell the cheese from so far away.

# Persuasion{.objective .objective2}

The fox tries to persuade the crow to come down from the tree. The crow realises the danger which makes the fox consider ways to make him drop the cheese.
In this section, students should explore the crow’s tree. They will be asked to imagine themselves as the fox and to think of ways they would persuade the crow to drop the cheese.

# Cunning{.objective .objective3}

The fox uses flattery to encourage the crow to drop the cheese. The fox asks the crow to sing which causes the crow to drop it. The fox succeeds in taking the cheese.
Students should explore the crow’s nest to find evidence of his vanity. They will be asked to consider the moral of the story.

[![teacher notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/801302/icon.png?date=1684236961&size=458039&md5=42a8394ae36c4be5eabc2d35a64295a0)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/801302/files/The%20Fox+and+the+Crow+Teachers+Notes+1.pdf?date=1684237626&size=1568251&md5=048e15ff609c11ecd654f720f7aaa603)

