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Yellow Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium Calceolus)

by Corinth


Lady’s slipper is an orchid growing in bright woods and on hillsides. It occurs in Eurasia and a related species (C. parviflorum) can be found in North America. The lady’s slipper has zygomorphic flower with 6 tepals as would be expected in a monocot: 5 are brown-red (the bottom two are joined), 1 creates the yellow lip. The lip attracts pollinators by sweet scent. Insects are trapped into the lip. They have to climb up a “ladder” on its back in order to get out, attaching pollen to themselves.

## Keywords
angiosperms monocots asparagales orchidaceae cypripedioideae cypripedium cypripedium calceolus