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# How the Heart Works

Dissect through the structure of the heart and discover how blood is pumped by this muscular organ. Through immersion and observations, students can develop an understanding of how the specific structure of the heart and its rhythmical contractions pumps blood to and from the rest of the body.

## Key Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the structure of the heart
2. Identify the different part of the heart
3. Describe the function of the heart

## How to Use This Playlist:

This playlist includes a range of different resources designed to help students develop an understanding of the structure and function of the heart.

Here are some suggestions on how to use the resources:

***STEAM3D Heart, Animated*** – Jump inside the human cardiovascular system with this animated and interactive 3D model of a human heart. Interacting, rotating and zooming into different parts of the heart, your students will develop a deeper understanding of the structure and function of this vital organ, and watch as animations bring the model to life.

***Human Heart 3D Model*** – Observing this 3D model of the heart, students can explore the outer structure of the heart. Analyzing the model they will learn that the heart is made up of mostly muscle tissue, with coronary arteries supplying the muscle with its own blood supply, also how the major veins and arteries connected to the heart to the circulatory system.

- [Human Heart](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/3dmodel-human-heart)

***Heart Interactive 3D Model*** – Exploring this interactive model of the heart, students can develop an understanding of the inner structure of the heart, its chambers and associated valves. By discussing these structures, students will be introduced to their role when it comes to pumping blood and controlling the direction of blood flow.

- [Heart Interactive 3D Model](https://edvr.se/F3Z-Ziq-kU6/3dm-heart-interactive)

***Human Heart Explorable Scene*** - Your students can immerse themselves in a futuristic laboratory and analyse the giant animated model of the heart. Observing the heart in action, they will develop and understanding on the function of the heart and how blood flows in one direction.

- [Human Heart](https://edvr.se/3I2-ibV-qf0/the-human-heart)
