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Life in Ancient Greece

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene is set in ancient Greece in a simulated environment that joins a wealthy house with that of a poorer family. Students can explore both houses freely and see how both the rich and the poor would have lived in ancient Greece. The majority of people in ancient Greece lived in simple housing that met their basic needs - in this house you will find a bed some stools and evidence of people working the land. The wealthy house contains luxurious products, several rooms, lots of food and classical Greek architecture.

# Learning objectives

Understand what life was like in Ancient Greece{.info}

Understand the similarities and differences between the wealthy and the poor in Ancient Greece{.info}

# What was life like for the majority of society in Ancient Greece?{.objective .objective1}

This section looks specifically at the life of the majority of people in Ancient Greece and asks students to look closely at which house they think this would be.Students will notice that there is no bathroom and very little luxury. This task asks students to explore both homes and think about which one belonged to the poorer residents and give their reasons for their thoughts.

# What jobs were available in Ancient Greece?{.objective .objective2}

The second section looks specifically at the work of people in Ancient Greece - most poorer families and the men and boys did most of the jobs; while women and girls stayed home and some could not leave the house.This task asks students to think about what the people living in these homes would have done for work.

# What was life like for the wealthy in Ancient Greece?{.objective .objective3}

The final section looks at how wealthy citizens of Ancient Greece would have lived, including how they cared for their homes and how they employed slaves to do most of their work.This section looks closely at the layout of a wealthy Greek residence.The final task asks students to explore the house of the wealthy residents to find out what life was like for the rich in Ancient Greece.