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A Street Through Time - Early Civilisation

by Avantis World
This resource is only available as part of a pack

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The Anglo-Saxon, Viking, and Medieval times mark significant periods in European history, each leaving a profound impact on culture, politics, and societal development. Together, these interconnected chapters in history shaped the cultural tapestry of Europe and laid the groundwork for the subsequent epochs. In this scene, students can explore a street through time that lets them learn about what it would have been like to live between the years of 600CE-1500CE.

# Lesson Objectives:

1: Describe what it would have been like to live in in Europe around 600CE.{.info} 

2: Describe what it would have been like to live in a Viking settlement.{.info} 

3: Describe what it would have been like to live in the medieval era.{.info}

# What was it like to live in Europe in around 600CE?{.objective .objective1}

Living in Europe in 600 CE would have been vastly different from the modern world we know today. The European continent during this time was characterised by a mixture of political, social, and cultural developments, with a diverse range of civilizations coexisting and interacting with each other. 

Students can learn about how religion played a central role in the lives of Europeans and how trade and commerce helped develop society.

# What was it like to live in a Viking settlement?{.objective .objective2}

In a Viking settlement, the daily life would have revolved around agriculture and self-sufficiency. The Vikings cultivated crops like barley, oats, and rye, and raised livestock such as cattle, sheep, and pigs.

Students can observe a settlement in detail and see which pieces of equipment the Vikings used to help them in their everyday activities.

# What was it like to live in the medieval era?{.objective .objective3}

Life revolved around the seasons, with the rhythm of planting, harvesting, and tending to livestock shaping the daily routines of medieval people. 

Students can explore the street and learn how the medieval era lacked hygiene practices and the period was challenged by disease.